一月 Rock Day


7/1/2024 1000-1600 石澳, 抱石

13/1/2024 1000-1600 畢架山, 長線

21/1/2024 1000-1600 長洲, 抱石

27/1/2024 1000-1600 歌連臣角, 長線

月至年票會員: 每月可參與2次免費戶外攀石日


非會員: +$50 會員費

*報名後但未能出席者, 請提前3日通知, 以作安排, 否則不能退錢/下月將少一次報名機會。

**如出山日子前一天, 活動仍有名額, 月費或以上會員可DM參加, 而不計算在會員每月限額以內

*另設後備名單五名, 如想選日子已滿額, 可DM報名作後備


Date and Time of Rock Day

(Jan 2024):

7/1/2024 1000-1600

Shek O, Boulder

13/1/2024 1000-1600

Beacon Hill, Top Rope

21/1/2024 1000-1600

Cheung Chau, Boulder

27/1/2024 1000-1600

Cape Collinson, Top Rope

Monthly to Annually members can enjoy 2 FREE Rock Days per month

Ordinary member: $350

Non-member: +$50 Membership Fee

*Please notify us through phone calls or whatsapp messages for any absence, or else no refund would be proceed and quotas would be deducted as well.

** If there are quotas remaining the day before the event, monthly or above members could DM for applications and would not be marked into monthly quotas of respective members.

***There will be a waiting list of five members reserved, DM only and first come first served.